
Air travel allows the travel consumer to reach their destination in the least amount of time. But sometimes it can be costly. But if while planning your next travels you follow these guidelines, you will get airline tickets at a low price.

Reserve the tickets for your travel well in advance and you will get the low price you want for your airline ticket. The general rule is to book at least two to six weeks before your planned departure. Also, plan to fly on a Tuesday or Wednesday and you will pay less.

To keep the price of your airline tickets low, you will need to be an alert online shopper. Remember to go online often comparing the prices of many airline tickets. The best place to shop for the lowest priced tickets is at one of the online travel company’s. They buy their supply of tickets in bulk which allows them to sell it at the lowest price.

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Another option to consider is the economy airlines. Some airlines make their reputation through their low ticket prices. Often, a large expensive international airliner company will also have an economy airline. An example of this is Air Canada (the expensive parent airline) and Jazz (the economy airline). There is good and bad to be had with this situation. The bad is that the seats and leg room is minimal on this airliners, the good is you get the lowest airline ticket prices.


To pay low airline ticket prices, pick the last daily flight to your destination; otherwise known as the red eye flight. Not many people like to fly during the night so the demand for tickets is always low which means the prices are also low.

If you are going to buy you airline tickets from the airline, then it is best to call the airline at midnight. This is when the specials are first posted and you will get the low airline ticket price you want. Do not forget to ask if you qualify for special status like student, seniors, children, bereavement, or Armed forces.

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Use a gateway airport for your departure. You can often find low priced airline tickets to gateway cities cheaper than the airline tickets to another city. So if you’re traveling to a city that is not a gateway airport–which is a large International airport– consider if it would be more advantageous to fly to the closest gateway airport and commute.


Chose an airline you like and sign up to their email alerts, Facebook, Twitter, or their mailing list. Most airlines now have these services and you can sign-up on their home page. The airline will send you, hourly, daily, or weekly updates of their low airline ticket pricing.

We are a society who not only travels but also want to get the best deals on our reservations. The good news is you can find low airline tickets; you just need to know how to do it.

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